This morning I want to start off by giving you a very simple task. The first thing I want you to do is to stand up. Everybody stand up. Now, turn and look straight at the person beside you or behind you…. Now, tell that person, “God loves you like crazy – no matter what.”
Ok, now you can sit down, but I want you to keep that phrase in your head – “God loves you like crazy – no matter what.” – and I challenge you to say that to at least one other person this week.
Of course, that doesn’t really have anything to do with our message this morning, but I think it’s important that we remind each other that God does loves each one of us like crazy – no matter what – because we tend to forget easily, don’t we?
But back to today’s message. Today we continue in our “Call of Duty” series – looking at our responsibilities as Christians. Last week we talked about our responsibility to cling to our faith and keep our consciences clear so that we can fight well in the Lord’s battles. And I hope you’ve been able to do that this week, because we know we are always in battle – and will be until our time on this earth is over.
So what awaits for us today? Well, let’s find out in 1 Timothy chapter 2.
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