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Team Handball

If you want a wide game that’s easy to play and doesn’t require half an hour to explain the rules, try team handball. It’s really simple and anyone can play.


All you need is two soccer nets and a ball. (You may also want pylons to mark the goalie’s crease.) A ‘gator skin’ ball works best: it’s soft and squishy so head shots don’t hurt so much, but it has enough weight that you can throw it with power. The distance you place the nets apart depend on the size of your group. Try 75 feet for 20 people and 200 feet for 100 people. The goalie’s crease should be a half-circle around the net with 15 foot radius – maybe a bit smaller if you have younger players. You will need two teams – each with a goalie.

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Six Wide Games Kids Love

Kids love wide games. They can participate lots or they can participate little. They can go it alone or with a group of friends. While one is running wildly through the bush, another is carefully hidden beneath a pile of leaves. They are a fabulous way of maximizing the fun factor for everyone. Wide games give kids the freedom to have a lot of fun on their terms. So without further ado, here are six wide games kids love.

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Proverbs Two – Finding Understanding & Knowledge

This is the second in the Proverbs Bible study series. It could be done as a stand-alone, but would be best to follow the preceeding study.

A great opening game for this game is some sort of treasure hunt. Since I originally did this study in my home, I hid a variety of treats all around my house – under cushions, on bookshelves, in cupboards, on windowsills, and anywhere else someone might possibly look. Having kids searching through every nook and cranny in your house may seem intrusive, but it really helps to make them feel at ease and welcome in your home.

When kids feel at home in your home, it’s way easier to build relationships with them and build into their lives. Having said that, you may want to declare certain rooms off limits for privacy sake. (ie. bedrooms)

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This is a very simple game that works great for a group of people who know each other relatively well. The basic idea is for one person to try to identify other people in the group in a variety of unusual ways.

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Proverbs One – The Fear of the Lord

This is the first in a series of Bible studies on the book of Proverbs that I wrote for my group of 15 – 20 teens from camp that I discipled. I always started the night with a game or two, a check-up on how their relationship with God had been that week, then the study and prayer time, and ended with snack and hang out time. I found this to be a very effective format.

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