Today we are going to launch into a three week mini-series entitled “God Is…” Bill Bright, who was the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, who also wrote the “Four Spiritual Laws”, and who was responsible for the “Jesus” film – He repeatedly said throughout his life, “The most important thing we can teach another believer is who God is.” Because everything about our lives – our attitudes, our motives, our desires, our decisions, our actions, and even our words – are influenced by our view of God.
For example if you believe that God is a sort of Grandfathery Santa Claus who exists only to give you everything you ever wanted – you’ll probably live differently than if you believed that God is more like a grumpy traffic cop – just waiting to pounce on you the moment you break the law.
Or if you believe that God is sovereign and has a will and a plan for your life, you’ll probably live differently than if you believe that God is like “The force” from star wars and is something that you can learn to control and use for your own purposes.
What we believe about who God is profoundly effects how we live our lives. And so it is absolutely imperative that we have an accurate view of God. We need to know who God really is. And that can be quite a challenge because there are so many people in this world with so many different views about God. Even among Christians, you’ll find different people that have different views of who God is. So how do we know the truth? How do we really know who God is?
Well, of course, the answer